Choisir la Meilleure Agence de Marketing En Suisse Romande : Guide Complet de A à Z

Agence de création des sites web en suisse, Agence de Marketing en Ligne, Digital Marketing, Kallitous

Le Rôle d’une Agence Marketing En Suisse Dans un monde de plus en plus digitalisé, le marketing et la communication sont devenus des éléments essentiels pour toute entreprise cherchant à se démarquer et à atteindre son public cible. Que vous soyez une petite entreprise locale ou une grande multinationale, une stratégie marketing bien conçue peut […]

Combien Coûte La Création d’un Site Web Professionnel en Suisse en 2023 ?

Créer des sites internet en suisse, Agence de création des sites web en suisse, Agence de Marketing en Ligne, Digital Marketing, Kallitous

Saviez-vous Combien Coûte La Création d’un Site Web Professionnel en Suisse en 2023 ? Cheerchez-vous à créer un site internet professionnel sur mesure en Suisse, mais vous êtes préoccupé par les coûts élevés associés au développement de votre site ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer en détail le coût […]

Why should I invest in Bitcoin in 2023? And how to buy Bitcoins easily and quickly?

Digital Marketing, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Web 2.0, Web 3

Le bitcoin est une crypto-monnaie, une forme de monnaie numérique qui est utilisée comme moyen d’échange sur Internet. Contrairement aux monnaies traditionnelles, comme l’euro, le dollar ou le franc suisse, qui sont émises et gérées par les gouvernements, le bitcoin est émis et géré de manière décentralisée par une communauté d’utilisateurs du monde entier.

After 3 Years Of Research, a Former Student in Communication Shows You Why Web 2.0 Is Not What We Think !

Web 2.0, Digital Marketing

After 3 Years Of Research, a Former Student in Communication Shows You Why Web 2.0 Is Not What We Think ! Before I tell you what I found after sleepless nights of work, I must ask you: What Is The Web? The web 2.0 is the revolution given by a ray of light that the […]

After having cut the bridges with the press, Azayko answers with a single ” Non é qua “

Digital Marketing

After having cut the bridges with the press, Azayko answers with a single ” Non é qua “ Azayko has just released this midnight 24.12.2021 his latest single “Non è Qua” which means ” Not here “, produced with his label Kallitous , Swiss. It is a single in which he considers to be disappeared […]

Media consumption in Switzerland in 2020: what trend? and for which audience?

Digital Marketing

Media consumption in Switzerland in 2020: what trend? and for which audience? Since 2014 Digimonitor has been examining media and electronic device usage in Switzerland. The data is representative of the entire population of German and French-speaking Switzerland aged 15 and over, as offline users and people without a fixed network connection are also surveyed. […]

Did you know? Digital marketing goes far beyond traditional marketing …

Digital Marketing

Did you know? Digital marketing goes far beyond traditional marketing … According to eMarketer and their latest study, digital advertising otherwise known as digital advertising has surpassed traditional advertising in 2020, in the United States. A trend that should also be noted in Switzerland. Already in 2017, online advertising in the world had surpassed traditional […]

How many visitors will be needed for 100.000 CHF of annual Revenue? Secret revealed…

Digital Marketing, Web 2.0

How many visitors will be needed for 100.000 CHF of annual Revenue? Secret revealed… Any business plan for an E-shop should admit this equation and know in advance the desired objective of the launch of the store. If we can see things in reverse by setting a turnover to achieve in the commercial year, for […]

Digital relies on the customer experience (UX)… is the customer the KING?

Digital Marketing

Digital relies on the customer experience (UX)… is the customer the KING? The most important thing in 2020, when it comes to SEO is the user experience ( UX ) which has emerged as the important indicator in SEO nowadays. It is important to note that user experience is not just about reducing your page […]