Social networks and covid-19 in 2020, what changes and what leverage to count on after 2020?

As a digital marketing agency, we have observed a 72% decrease in the number of clicks on social networks, but a 215% increase in the conversion rate. This can be explained by the increase in time spent by consumers on social networks, but also by a profound change in their buying behavior: they click with the firm intention of buying, and no longer by simple curiosity.

The restrictions imposed by social distancing have resulted in a boom in the use of social networks.

Facebook, which also includes Instagram and WhatsApp messaging, has seen an increase in the use of its various services by 50% since the end of March and has had to adapt its infrastructure measures accordingly.

Recently, to kill the boredom of staying at home, challenges to share childhood photos or favorite movies or live broadcasts on Instagram have appeared.

The first studies of the use of social networks during the crisis (article from the NZZ, in German) also show that the Social Network and especially the giant network Instagram have played the role of the main source of information for the « Millenials » generation and beyond. Finally, since the beginning of the pandemic, Tiktok’s popularity has broken the record in Switzerland and worldwide among Generation Z (people born from the year 200) with more than 315 million downloads worldwide.

A few weeks before the end of the year celebrations and in view of the current context, the vast majority of young people, respectively 55% of 18-25 year olds and 46% of 26-39 year olds, plan to do more of their end of year shopping online according to a French study. Conversely, 47% of older generations prefer to wait until the end of the national confinement in France, to make these purchases in store.

Recovery objective: on which feet should brands stand?

What should we take away from all this? And to what extent will these trends affect the world of digital advertising, especially at a time of normal business recovery and after a world without Covid-19?

As a digital marketing agency, we see that the brands that are doing the best today are without a doubt those that have managed to maintain a strong link with their customers and to seize and invent communication channels at lower costs. Advertisers, on the other hand, have to turn to the least budget-consuming levers because of the collapsing economic activity.

For this reason, two pipes seem to us to draw their profits, we speak here of social networks, first of all because they offer more opportunities for digital presence, social interactions and especially and as we have seen, the rate of conversion magnificent for a lower cost than ever, and on Facebook alone the cost per click and cost per thousand have dropped by almost half in several sectors since the beginning of the pandemic, in our opinion, we bet that social networks, will remain a major lever of our sector digital marketing in the medium and long term.

However, the Emailing is to him a primordial option in the strategy of the marketind of today and tomorrow, it does not require too much heavy investment, even if, the rate of conversion has fallen drastically since the beginning of containment, we speak here of -79%, it remains in spite of the fall a necessary lever of development of loyalty which costs much less expensive than other advertising devices.

In any case, brands must rethink their communication strategy, and find the right balance that corresponds to their brand image while adapting to the current context and imagining scenarios for the medium and long term, so we must bring out the chameleon aspect and be on the lookout to adapt to any environment, It is this lesson that we must learn from this pandemic, although several companies have filed for bankruptcy in spite of themselves, so we must learn from the failures of others and not imagine that this system of life will remain eternal, so it is time to think about emergency exits in case of pandemics and we are forced to perfect the lability of adaptation in case of change.

For us as a Swiss digital marketing agency, what changes and threats for the short, medium and long term?

Although the world lives in a hallucinating disorder, and thanks to our several mixed strategies, it allowed us to correct the harmful effects of the confinement and the Covid-19, and when with our collaborators customers we accompanied them to draw profits from their Business as the case of our last collaborator, and since our figures started again in rise, although the departure was difficult, but quickly the effect « Chameleon » supported us to juxtapose the things.

This period of our lives, is the most special of our lives, everyone either in generation X, Y or Z or even Alpha, we must adapt in order to overcome, our agency KALLITOUS Corporation, will be there to help you find new scenarios, adjust your advertising, make profits even in times of crisis, and help you get back on your feet again, because alone you can go faster, but together we can go further.